Monday, 25 January 2021

7 Best Apps for Language Learning


"One who speaks only one language is one person, but one who speaks two languages is two people"-Turkish Proverb

According to the majority of data the most spoken language are:

1. English (Majority of the world population is Christian)

2. Standard Mandarin (China has the world's largest population.)

3. Hindi (After China, India is the second-highest populated country.)

So learning a new language always gives one an edge in their respective field.

Benefits of  learning a new language:

  • Sharpen your minds.
  • Boost your self-confidence.
  • Connect you with new people.
  • Increase the volume & density of grey matter, white matter, and brain connectivity.
  • Improves your editing skill, listening skills, writing skills, speaking skills, and reading skills.
  • Develops critical thinking.
The top language-learning  apps and websites are:
  1. Duolingo
  2. Livemocha
  3. Busuu
  4. Living Language
  5. Foreign  Services Institue
  6. Memrise
  7. BBC Languages

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